Kamis, 11 September 2008
Let's make soap !
Ini salah satu kegiatan di lab kimia.
Kita bikin sabun dari minyak goreng /minyak jelantah. Daripada minyak sisa menggoreng dibuang di selokan begitu saja sehingga mencemari air, akan lebih baik dikonversi terlebih dahulu menjadi sabun yang bisa dimanfaatin untuk cuci tangan, peralatan, dll (tp jangan buat mandi atau cuci muka ya.......enggak pakai mouisterizer/pelembab).
Cara bikin sabunnya gampang banget!
note : Thanks to Freddy, and Maria atas fotonya.
Why chemistry makes me fall in love ?
Well, there are a lot of aspects.
1. For me, chemistry is similar to cooking. You put many ingridients to a pan or a reactor, then u just see the magic things happens.
2. U can't live with it.
3. It's one of my passion. I never get bored of it
1. For me, chemistry is similar to cooking. You put many ingridients to a pan or a reactor, then u just see the magic things happens.
2. U can't live with it.
3. It's one of my passion. I never get bored of it
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